Drug: Levothroid

Levothroid Pill
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What is Levothroid?

Though it may be a hyperthyroidism drug, the synthetic thyroid hormone replacement medication levothroid is important in managing hypothyroidism which is a condition whereby the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. By imitating the actions of thyroxine (T4), a thyroid hormone, Levothroid helps to control body energy and metabolism thus alleviating symptoms related to lack of this thyroid hormone.

Uses of Levothroid

The main use of Levothroid involves treatment for hypothyroidism; however, it can also help with other conditions that affect the thyroid gland such as:

  • Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
  • Cancerous growths on the Thyroid
  • TSH suppression

If there are normal levels of these hormones in your body, then by taking Levothroid you will get relief from tiredness, increased weight and cold intolerance all which imply that you have a quality life despite having hormonal disbalances.


How to Take Levothoid?


Patient should obey doctor’s orders if taking levothyroxin- before eating anything else by mouth normally at least 30 minutes ahead of breakfast on an empty stomach. Regulating hormones dosage time keeps them balanced.


Possible Side Effects


In some people though it treats thyroid problems effectively, it may cause:

  • Raised heart rate;
  • Lose weight;
  • Anxiety;
  • Uncontrolled perspiration;
  • Hyperthermia

If any severe or persistent side effects should appear, the patient should see a doctor.


Important Considerations


Your medical history, especially if you have a heart ailment, diabetes or adrenal gland problems, needs to be shared with your health caregiver before starting on Levothroid. Such adjustments are crucial in order to keep away from resulting into complications due to taking this hormone.


Patient Advice


This is important as the levels of thyroid hormone will help determine whether levothyroxine is working well in your body. Also, patients need to maintain a healthy lifestyle comprising a balanced diet and regular exercise for overall physical wellbeing.


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Unit #903A
8322 113th Street Surrey,
BC Canada V3W 8J9
Toll Free: 1.877.717.7612
5:30am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday